About school
Jiráskovo gymnázium (Jirásek's grammar school) was founded in 1897, but the building was built in 1900. Náchod city where the school is situated has about 25000 inhabitants. About 700 students attend this school and it has about 50
teachers. There are four-year and eight-year studies.
For some subjects we have special classrooms. There are classrooms with televisions for biology, history and chemistry, there are two computer classrooms with connection to internet and also there's a TV in "mirror gymnasium" (gymnasium with mirrors for better training of your body). Last year there was a reconstruction of head's office so it's very nice now. We have also laboratories for physics, biology and chemistry. For lessons of foreign languages there are five small language classrooms and also there's big classroom for art.
If students want more than there's a school library and a big gymnasium. Actually proceeds a reconstruction of student cloakrooms.
Laboratory of physics |
Physical experiment |
Great hall |
Language classroom |